Thread: Table Demeanor
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Old 09-26-2007, 10:39 AM
MasterShakeJr MasterShakeJr is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 86
Default Re: Table Demeanor

I always check my cards as soon as I get them, then rest my hand on the table, providing a little 'cage' for the cards. If I'm in the hand I ALWAYS check my cards again after the flop. I figure if I always check them even if I know its Ac-Kc I can't give a tell there. When its my action I always try to act within about 5 seconds. This might not be the best idea, but I run math pretty quickly in my head and it prevents me from second guessing myself. I find that if I labor over what I'm going to do I'm usually wrong. If I'm waiting for action I just pick a card on the board, stare at it, and try to tune everything else out. I'm a talkative person, but if I'm in a hand I shut it down completely. I'm just not comfortable enough to chat it up. I'm sure I'd be giving off tells like mad.
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