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Old 09-26-2007, 09:55 AM
Daniel Magix Daniel Magix is offline
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Default Re: My JJ is under fire too


I think you should show us the math on whether or not calling the turn is correct.


[/ QUOTE ]

"It's better to remain silent, and be thought a fool - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

I am not going to attempt to figure out the exact math here. I will get it wrong. With that said - if a set would win it for me or if my straight draw was definitely live, than I would have 10 outs to those hands, only 7 of which would be clean, right? So I guess I would say the pot would have to be giving me about 6.5-1 to draw?

But there is a lot more than that involved in this hand, and the math gets too complex for me here.

Bottom line is, it is pretty clear that I am behind, the pot is not enormous, and I am not even sure if I have ANY outs.

So I can't pass your math test, but I am pretty sure I made the right fold here.
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