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Old 09-26-2007, 04:53 AM
Oski Oski is offline
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Default Re: 30 and living at home

Still: nothing tells the ladies that you are ready to tear the world a new ass like living with your mom.

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Its quite a dilemma for the not so young adults. Home: you can work and save tons of money instead of paying rent. Away: being able to bring chics back.

I've lived away and at home. I've seen both sides. It sucks when your out and have a chance to score, but you can't take girls back cause you live with the parents.

At the same time, I've lived away, and its sucked when there were no chances to bring girls back. During those periods, there was no real advantage to living away. I was just paying rent 'just incase I meet some easy chics'.

I guess alot has to do with how good you are with the ladies. If you have chances to score every weekend, living away is probably worth the cost, just for the ladies alone.

If you are more of a mediocre looking guy, you don't really miss out on scoring with the ladies by living with the parents and saving money. The catch 22 is, that living away from home can make you more attractive to the ladies because of the image of your independence. Another side of it is that women can also find you attractive when you've got that huge downpayment saved up for the condo you want, or you save so much money from living at home that you can afford alot of the perks other people can't.

Its really about choices and what you want to do with your money. Pay rent, or spend on other things.

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It was just a flippant comment. Its nobody's business what you want to do.
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