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Old 09-25-2007, 10:21 PM
Todd Terry Todd Terry is offline
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Default Re: Weird spot vs Pearljammer

I agree with everyone that his line makes no sense whatsoever here. I'm not sure that therefore he must be bluffing necessarily follows.

You did bet into 3 people on the flop, so he's probably inclined to give you credit for at least some sort of hand. And when you call his C/R, that signals that you do have a hand, possibly a very strong one. You can only beat a stone cold bluff here, do you think he's pulling one off this early? Not to mention, if his inclination was to try to bluff his way through this hand, why did he not just bet the flop?

A hand that beats you makes no sense (unless it's exactly 77, and you have one 7), a bluff makes no sense, I'd be inclined to think he's not bluffing and fold on the flop. As played, I'd fold the turn.
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