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Old 09-25-2007, 10:20 PM
qdmcg qdmcg is offline
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Default Re: easy, healthy recipe ideas

I know these are pretty standard, but imo they're very good tasting and i eat them almost daily:

2 eggs, 2 egg whites - ~180 calories
4oz lean ground beef - 160 calories
1-2 slices wheat toast - 100-200 calories

Adding the two egg whites really increases the size of the meal while having two yolks in there allows the egg to still taste good.

3oz whole wheat pasta -- 300 cals
1/2 cup pasta sauce -- 50 cals
then either:
4oz lean ground beef - 160 cals, 20g protein
150grams grilled chicken breast ~150 cals, close to 20g protein

this is about 500 cals, a bit bigger than what some people advocate for meals, but i've found that this lunch really fills me up and helps me hit my caloric goal. if you feel that its too big for one meal you can always drop to 2oz pasta, eat it without sauce, lower the chicken.

as far as preparation goes, the only thing I do is prepare the meat, then add the pasta sauce and throw a [censored] of hot sauce and pepper into the pan. Takes ~10-15 minutes to make (spaghetti boils a lot faster than most other noodle variations)
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