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Old 09-25-2007, 10:19 PM
Madman Madman Madman Madman is offline
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Default Re: Brag: Just got a sexy e-mail from a classmate

F the haters, OP. Most of them probably couldn't get laid in a morgue.

I was in a situation similar to this one in college, and at some point I blurted out, "It seems like there's a lot of sexual tension between us."


Long pause...

Her: "I can't believe you said that."

Long pause...

Me: "Well, isn't there?"

Long pause...

Her: "Yeah..."

5 minutes later my dick was in her mouth.

Fortune favors the bold, son.

Good luck.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm just going to blurt this out to any women I find attractive and see what happens. I dont think its that crude it actually sounds like the secret to getting sex. I just need to hold a 1 minute conversation before I blurt it out so that it makes sense.
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