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Old 09-25-2007, 08:45 PM
dankhank dankhank is offline
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Default Re: This forum needs a makeover

i don't like the idea of sub-forums at all.

i notice you have a registration date on 2+2 from only a couple weeks ago. you might not yet see the degree to which this forum actually does operate in similar ways to the 2+2 poker forums. many threads are started with similar topics. some threads take off due to who the original poster is, or what some early responses say, or timing. others only get a few responses - although in some cases these responses are valuable, and the thread is essentially "complete".

imo this forum is not a segmented, specific, sterile forum like the poker strategy forums (divided by stakes), and it is not a free for all social scene like BBV or NVG either. it is in the middle of these extremes. so maybe the way this forum is organized seems chaotic to you. however you might underestimate the intuitive understanding that a longtime 2+2er will have when they first start to visit this forum.

imo the crowd we should be catering to most is the veteran 2+2er who has lots of gambling experience but not much in the sports betting area. we would do a disservice to those people if we split this forum up and made it harder for them when they wander in here, not really knowing what they are looking for.

(also we very much disagree about whether a succesful sports bettor needs to specialize in only a few sports, rather than bet all the sports, year round. although i may be wrong on this point as my results have been mediocre (but profitable) for two years running now...)
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