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Old 09-25-2007, 07:08 PM
gobbomom gobbomom is offline
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Default Re: Recurring dreams

I have two recurring dreams. One I'm sure is fairly common while the other, well...

-Being chased and running away from something, but I can't run fast at all becasue there is a very strong wind blowing against me and every time I make some forward progress, I'm pushed backwards. The setting differs, but the wind is always there.

-Getting shot. I often have dreams where I get shot. The setting and shooter differs, but the location (the place on my body where I'm shot) is always the same and it's my stomach. Occasionally, I'll also get shot in my shoulder or my chest, but always the stomach. I have never been shot in real life. In the dream, it hurts like a bitch, and I often wake up clutching my stomach.

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TiK, if you don't mind my asking, do you have any sort of birthmark on your stomach?

I studied dream interpretation at The School of Metaphysics and am curious.
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