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Old 09-25-2007, 04:04 PM
_dave_ _dave_ is offline
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Default Re: Stars Bet Pot AHK ?

i run vista, and this script works for me on poker stars at certain table sizes, but not at others. my monitors are 1600x1200, and i like to tile 9 tables on each monitor. so, my tables are sized at a width of 533. betpot does not work at this size. however, if i change the size of the tables to make them somewhat larger or smaller, it works. i don't see a pattern, although i'm sure there is one, but i tried incrementing by one pixel and it wouldn't start working until i got to 554.

i'd really like to have it work at 533. any idea what the problem might be?

(yes, everything is run as admin, etc etc)

[/ QUOTE ]

Now this is interesting.

Maybe Vista reports window size differently to XP, or something.

BetPot uses with to determine which set of Stars images to use, in this case it is obviously getting it wrong until you size the window differently.

Could you post a pic (or PM me) a screenshot of a single table please (PNG, not JPEG) at both 533 and 554 sizes?

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