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Old 09-25-2007, 03:58 PM
Legislurker Legislurker is offline
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Posts: 728
Default Re: WTO regulations and compensation??

A lot of localities are not signatory to the WTO. A lot simply don't care. If Stars needed a home, Im sure 10-15 locales would step up. Its an EASY to provide service that just needs a home and a payment processor.
Two other considerations. 1) Antigua is maintaining the US has to open its market for cross-border gaming. They are seeking to force them to stop prosecuting. At no point in these negotiations has the US established its illegal for a place to run a gaming site that takes US customers in an international court. Antigua can wake up tomorrow and say ok USA you win, give us 1bn and we go away from the WTO. Then, the next day, they can tell WSEX we think you're legal and legit, go about your business. The USA can't put Erroll Cort in jail for letting them, nor force the Antiguans to extradite, because running a sportsbook there isn't a crime.
So they can take the $$ and go about business as usual.

2) Every other country out there can do the same.
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