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Old 09-25-2007, 03:02 PM
Freakin Freakin is offline
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Default Re: WRT Halo 3: Got a call from Gamestop

I had a lot better time at gamestop for this Halo than for the last one. Last time I got there at about 10PM, and was like 100 places back in line. I had already paid for my game in full, like many people there.

They allowed something like 10 people into the store at a time. They would walk in, pick up their preorder receipt, then could WALK AROUDN THE FREAKING STORE SHOPPING FOR STRATEGY GUIDES AND OTHER CRAP. I didn't get out of there until at least 2-3AM.

This time, I showed up at 11:50 and was about 100-200 places back in line. They said "go get your preorder receipt" so I went up, finished paying, and went back to line.

They let about 10 people in at a time, who walked up the counter, immediately got their copy of halo3, and walked out. I was done by 12:20 along with everyone else in line.

Remarkable how much smoother things go when you don't rely on high-school kids to plan a huge release...
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