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Old 09-25-2007, 01:26 PM
PokerintheI PokerintheI is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 216
Default Re: Quitting my crap job to grind 2/5+ live??

My only question/comment is that people keep saying that OP taking himself out of the job market could have negative consequences on future job opportunities.

If he actually does play poker full-time for a few years, decides it's not for him and then moves on to graduate school, wouldn't the advanced degree make up for the years spent out of the job market?

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No, in most fields a graduate degree isn't going to make up for missing years of work experience.

Assuming that a resume for the future matters to you, get to whatever city you want to play in and then do something on the side with some vagueness in it. eg: Get an internship for a day or two a week that either pays a little or doesn't, this can then be listed on your resume as what you did for that time period. Future prospective employers won't worry about a year or two if you can say you were doing a long term internship.

Alternately, start your graduate degree. Most schools consider 1 grad level class to be half time. So for the price of 3-6 hours a week and like $800, you can list yourself as a "Student" working on a graduate degree while you play poker full time.

I have no opinion about the feasibility of being a pro player. Although I agree with some posters that it doesn't really sound like fun if you have to play 30-50 hours a week. I much prefer being a government contractor making 75k a year to work three 7 hour days a week and playing poker for fun and extra cash.
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