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Old 09-25-2007, 12:35 PM
Rococo Rococo is offline
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Default Recurring dreams

What recurring dreams do you have? What significance, if any, do you attach to the substance of the dreams or the fact that they recur?

I'll give two examples.

When I was a kid, I used to dream that I was walking alone in an open field, surrounded by trees. I would hear the wind wooshing around me and through the trees. Then, all of a sudden, I would be pinned underneath some sort of heavy object (a rock?). The rock wouldn't crush me, or even feel particularly heavy, but it would immobilize me.

I usually woke up at that point. The dream was unpleasant because the wind always preceded being pinned by the heavy object, so the wind caused me a lot of anxiety in the dream. I used to have this dream whenever I slept in a confined space, like the bottom of a bunk bed. I guess it was just a little childhood claustrophobia, which led to some sort of recurring anxiety dream.

About ten years ago, I had six or eight dreams in which I was shot in the head. The dreams occurred over a span of 2-3 months. The dreams were not identical but were similar. Usually, I was running from some faceless person for some unknown reason. Often, I was running with someone else. The chase part of the dreams was very elaborate and often involved physical stunts that I cannot pull off in real life. Eventually, my pursuer would catch me me, usually after I thought I had gotten away. For example, I would turn the corner, and my pursuer would somehow be right in front of me. He then would shoot me execution style in the head from very close range. As soon as I was shot, I would assume the role of an observer and see a body on the ground (sort of like one of the agents in the Matrix). Oftentimes, the dream would continue with me as a person who had just seen a dead body on the ground (rather than being shot).

These dreams were vivid, but not particularly frightening. I had a lot going on in my personal life at the time, and the dreams again seemed linked to anxiety. As soon as my personal life settled down, the dreams stopped.

Anyone else have recurring dreams?
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