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Old 09-25-2007, 09:41 AM
DesertCat DesertCat is offline
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Default Re: Milton Bradley you are a complete Tool

Uh, the ump allegedly used racial slurs, and multiple people have backed him up on this.

EDIT: Not that I think Milton Bradley is some peace keeper.

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Do you have a link for this? I heard he called Milton a piece of [censored], nothing racial.

And the home plate umpire wasn't aware that Milton flipped his bat at him, so he never had a chance to toss Milton during that inning. The other refs were incredulous he didn't toss Milton, and told him so. He asked Milton about it, Milton denied it, then Milton confronted the first base ump, apparently feeling the other umps should not have said anything. It escalated from there.

I used to love and defend Milton and told people his reputation was unwarranted, that he was a good guy who was just very competitive and had a few minor incidents blown out of proportion. Then after a few more incidents with the Dodgers he started beating and choking his pregnant wife, and then he pulled out the race card when Kent was clearly just being a jerk, not a neo-Nazi. Then he got 86d by Billy Beane (despite being the A's best outfielder,what does that tell you), threw a chair and pulled out the race card again. And now this.

Sorry Milton, I don't have the energy any more to defend you. The ump should have shut up, but I can't imagine what you've put those guys through during your career with your constant bitching and moaning and yelling and cold icy stares that say "I'm gonna kill you in a dark alley". Can you really blame them for having short fuses with you too?
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