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Old 09-25-2007, 01:23 AM
pirateboy pirateboy is offline
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Default Pirateboy\'s \"Biggest Fix\" Log

Gents of The Gym, I've taken the dive. I thought I could lose weight and build muscle all by myself, but I haven't. Here's my history:

24 years old, turning 25 in a week. Just ended a 5 year relationship with a woman I loved (but we're still very close). I never took part in the club/bar/single scene, but I want to. In 6 months, I'll be moving back to Tennessee where almost every single one of my close friends live, and they are single. I want to be pulling tail, not being the funny friend. I want us all to be able to pull tail, I don't always want to be wing.

Before my sophomore year of college, I was slender. Didn't have a lot of muscle, but was in great shape due to 13 years of soccer. Then I gained weight. Right now, I'm 6'0" and 217 pounds. I hide my extra weight well. My highest weight was 240.

At my apartment complex, we have a gym. It has 2 ellipticals, 2 treadmills, a stationary bike, and 4 different weight lifting stations. The stations use levers along with actual weights, where you slide a pin in where you want the weights to stop. Does that make sense?

Anyway, my personal tastes are that I like jogging and running, and I love the weights. I enjoy the high from both, so a combo attack would fit me just fine.

I have an advertising sales job so I can sometimes fall into the trap of eating fast food when I'm really busy. However, of the 5 workdays, I'd say I eat 2 fast food meals out of the 10 lunch/dinner meals a week. I'd like to cut that down to 0 or 1. I've drastically cut back my soda intake, but I'd like to knock it out completely, but not alcohol. I don't smoke.

I have time every night, and weekends to work out. I would like to lose, I guess 47 pounds? What is best for a 6'0" man? Still, I'd like to finally have some muscle mass, and more importantly, it to be toned. I hate to sound gay, but the end result goal would be for me to look like Justin Timberlake in Alpha Dog.

So, where the hell do I start? What do I need to do workout wise and when? I can keep my calories under 2,000 easily, in fact, after a meeting with a PT, I had them under 1,700 per day.

The Gym, help me out!
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