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Old 09-25-2007, 12:39 AM
bav bav is offline
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Default Re: Table Change allows ratholing?

I think the official ruling at most places is that if you leave a table into another main game you have to bring the whole stack or wait 4 hours to buy in for a smaller amount, but im not %100.

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I think it's safe to say there is no official rule at "most places". This one is all over the map. There is the "must take the whole stack" camp. There is the "cannot take the whole stack" camp. And there is the "take whatever you want and pocket whatever you want" camp. And as for time, there's the 30 minute, 45 minute, 60 minute camps. I've never played anywhere with a 4-hour rule...that seems a bit ludicrous. While we're at it, let's institute a 24 hour rule. Heck... I'm all for a 288 hour rule!

Rules is rules and you just gotta accept what the joint you've chosen to play in allows.
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