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Old 09-24-2007, 08:02 PM
Gene Paulson Gene Paulson is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 81
Default Re: X Post: My thoughts on the coming dollar collapse

I have read that the crashes coming down will cause deflation not inflation. Also the dollar was just recently unpinned from Saudi's currency which totals 3.5 trillion of free dollars that will be used without Government approvial this leads to most currencies that are linked to the dollar to undo their relationship; but the corporate and company buying isn't as true no; what these dollars are going into are natural resources,as for the freemarketplace provided by the USGov that is only one thing free dollars which they print. very few walk this earth claiming Washington is helping them. The gutted stock market will collapse also but the reason bread or oil goes up is the speculation and lack of production not the dollar those things are going up anyway anywhere(the price of wheat at the Chicago board is going down and will be for the next three four years)And finally for crashes being surprises they are because of the speed and totallity of them not that they come with no warning. The Great crash of 1929 was predictable and readly understood; the market is an emotional dynamic of its own (many saying there will be a crash but still in it until the end losing money)
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