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Old 09-24-2007, 01:49 PM
heater heater is offline
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Default A question for those who love sitting next to fatties on planes...

What would you do to someone who attached a pair of these to the back of your seat?

Meet the "Knee Defender"

You can attach these to the seat in front of yours like so:

This prevents the person in front of you from reclining, thus preserving your precious legroom.

Product description:

Protect necessary leg room on board any flight from reclining seatbacks. Simple, convenient, pocket sized and adjustable, this device allows for greater personal comfort in an otherwise compact space.

Living XL

I'm 6'7" and I can't imagine having the nerve to stick these on the back of someone else's seat on a plane. WTF, do people actually buy these? All of you 5'9" 150 pounders who fly often are getting it from all directions now. What would you say if someone attached these to your seat?
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