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Old 09-24-2007, 12:56 AM
Phil153 Phil153 is offline
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Default Re: All in luck

This means it's not connecting to your database. The connection option on the settings tab was a just a quick fix for someone who had a custom server, I haven't fully configured error messages, etc (but it does work).

People with similar problems have usually had an issue with Vista (running as administrator fixed it for some) or firewall software silently blocking the connection. Firewall software sometimes automatically allows localhost (the default connection) but disallows other IPs even if they're local on your machine. Also double check your port settings - people often have two versions installed at 5432 and 5433. Apart from that, if your settings are correct there's no reason it wouldn't connect.

To check if it's working, you should get a list of names in the players box and a list of sites/levels in the other boxes. It automatically does this after establishing a connection. If not, it hasn't connected and that's usually because something is blocking it.
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