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Old 09-23-2007, 11:58 PM
Paul B. Paul B. is offline
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Default Re: All in luck

Hey Phil, I can't get PokerEV to work with different server settings.

Port: 5432
Username: postgres
Password: <password>
Database Name: 2007

After I click 'Set to this connection' and go back to the Databases tab, the Database listbox shows "(Default)". When I click Load Hands, I get: [ QUOTE ]
0 hands loaded from database 'Custom'

[/ QUOTE ]

"2007" is the name of my PT database. Also, I'm not sure if this matters, but if I set the Database Name to "postgres" or leave it empty, I get this error message: [ QUOTE ]
Error Connecting to the SQL server. Check that the service is started. The message was: ERROR: 42P01: relation "prefs" does not exist.

[/ QUOTE ]

My PostgreSQL service is running on my server and I am able to connect to it through pgAdmin and Pokertracker, so I know there isn't a problem there.
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