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Old 09-23-2007, 05:45 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: ***Official HU Forum LC Life Thread***

Oh my....

I was at a bar with two friends. One friend had two girls who wanted to get me in a threesome. I was 19 at the time. The bar checked my ID, couldn't read it, and stamped my hand.

The friend and I made a friendly bet: Who could out-drink each other?

About 10 beers into the match, my buddy takes me into the bathroom, and told me the good news about his two friends (they were Hooters girls). He said it straight: "Look, if you want to give up the match, I don't mind, we'll do it later."

I walked out to the bar, and began talking to the two objects. I guess I was going fine. I decided that this was going to be an awesome night, so I kept up the match and figured I will get laid as well.

Three triple shots of Tequilas later I blacked out. I do remember tidbits of that night, but none of it had to do with women and sex.
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