Thread: statism day one
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Old 09-23-2007, 05:03 PM
ShakeZula06 ShakeZula06 is offline
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Default Re: statism day one

You go to sleep a free man in a somewhat organized society. When you wake up, you discover that the entire government bureaucracy has disappeared overnight. You neighbors or others have sent a bulldozer over to level your house in order to make way for a new facility they feel they need to maximize the return of their property. When you object, the neighbors and the posse they can afford to pay and arm reminds you that you've tacitly consented to this treatment by virtue of your presence, and then shoot you in the head.

Now what?

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Quoted for bad understanding of ACism.

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Oh that's right, this could never happen, because everyone respects property in AC definition (otherwise it's not AC, duh).

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Not everybody is needed. Either way that wasn't the point I was making. But feel free the flame away.
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