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Old 09-23-2007, 04:21 PM
bkholdem bkholdem is offline
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Default Re: example of police coercion

BK, I've wondered about the locking the doors and closing the windows bit; How do you go about doing this? You get pulled over, you bring your window down, take the keys out, put your hands on the wheel. He asks you to get out, and instead, you put the keys back in the car, and start closing the window - how does the officer not think you are going to run? Do you ask him permission first; "May I close the window officer?"

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Have the drivers window rolled down a little and talk to him thorugh that. If he tells you to roll it down I would do it. If he doens't communicate through the 3 inch crack.

I have non power windows so it's no issue for me. If he tells me to stop rolling up my window i will stop (assming he is telling me to get out of the car). Then I lock the door on my way out of the car.

The main thing is "I'm sorry officer, I don't consent to searches. I would like to leave as soon as I am legally allowed to do so" He gives the bs guilt "if you have nothing to hide" you can simply say nothing or repeat yourself. He is trying to bully you into giving him voluntary permission to search. If he didn't need your permission he would just order you aside and commense with the search LOL

I don't give consent to strangers to search my car, and I especially don't give consent to government employees to searech my car. Period.

IMO unless you summon the police yourself or are in the need of immediate safety assistance, the police are YOUR ENEMY. I will treat him respectfully but he will know from jump I am anoyed by his presence and I am interested in perserving my rights and leaving as soon as I am legally allowed to do so.

They are experts at making threats (that they often either can't or won't back up....and even if they can...your punnishment is not going to be WORSE for ASSERTING YOUR RIGHTS. They make threats to scare you into voluntarilly giving up your rights. All those cops shows where you see them say "then you wouldn't mind me searching your car" or "so you shouldn't have a problem with me searching your car"

The response is "I abolutely have a problem with it and refuse consent for you to search my car". " I never consent to searches"

When he tells me he wantst to pat me down I ask is that an order or a request. Same thing when he says "what's that"(as he's feeling something in my pocket) or "can i see that" My response is it is not a weapon. Assert you havfe NO WEAPONS on you clearly before being patted down.

When he asks whats in your pockets or says let me see.... say "is that an order or a request"
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