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Old 09-23-2007, 01:43 PM
Fitz Fitz is offline
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Location: Kansas City
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Default Final Table Action?

Yesterday, I played a $30 buy in 60 player live tourney at Harrah's here in KC. The payout structure was top 6 spots paid with first being ~ $510 and 6th being ~ $100. I played this same tourney on Friday, and we chopped it up evenly 4 ways for ~ $300 each. I've made the money in this same tourney two other times besides that one, and each time it was a multi way chop.

The hand in question is 9 handed at the final table. The blinds are 800/1600; there are ~90000 total in play. The chip leader has ~22k most of the others are between 2 and 10k. The SB in this hand is the only one on life support; she is all in with only 200 pre flop. The chip leader is BB. It is folded around to me on the button with KQo; I have exactly 5000 left.

I knew my only options were all in or fold. The only read I had on the chip leader was that I saw him call a very large bluff bet with AKo on a ragged flop to bust a player a few hands earlier.

I pushed all in figuring I'd pick up the 1400 from the BB and play showdown with the SB for the 400 main pot. I figure the BB will fold a lot of hands here; I am a favorite over a lot of random hands, and I'm no worse than a coin flip against anything but AA, KK, QQ, AK, AQ.

The BB calls instantly with AJo we both miss and I go home in 9th(the SB wins the 400 main pot).

Did I play this hand correctly? I consciously thought about trying to avoid mixing it up with the chip leader before the hand, but I thought it was a good move that might give me a chance insure I make the money and give me a shot at winning the whole thing. If I fold here, I can see several hands before I have to post another blind and I can probably move up and maybe limp into the money and look for another multi way chop.

Any thoughts or comments are greatly appreciated.


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