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Old 09-23-2007, 11:48 AM
ThaHero ThaHero is offline
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Default Re: Quitting my crap job to grind 2/5+ live??

I want to thank all those that made responses in this thread. I'm 23 and live in L.A., so going pro has always been something I've considered. It seems like poker is more suited to be a stepping stone to whatever it is you really want to do. My generation was really lucky to have this boom come. OTOH, many in my generation were unlucky as they lost a lot of money and maybe took a step back on their future.

I work a crappy $9/hr job and it sucks to wake up every morning like this. After realizing what the real world has to offer without some type of degree or certification, I really want to get back into school. However, working at this job and with the stuff I have to pay for, I just can't. My plan is to hopefully use poker as a way to at least drop down to part time on my job as I make more playing poker, save up some money, and finish school. Plans never go the way you think they will though. Good luck to the OP.
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