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Old 09-23-2007, 11:12 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 6
Default Re: Quitting my crap job to grind 2/5+ live??

I'll tell you, I had moved to Vegas and tried to make a living at poker. I kept records and played limit hold'em as well as a few other games to break up the boredom. It has to be the hardest thing to do. I had a limited bank roll. I made some great friends in the process. Anyways I didn't succeed in my attempt to become a pro.
Their was a young man that Al Capone Jr. and I knew in Vegas that came out there with $70,000 that his mom left him when she died. In a year of playing and paying his bills to live he was dead broke, and had to crash on my floor for 2 months before he decided to leave the city of lights. I don't know what happen to him, but we never heard from him again.
Playing poker for a living can be done. But you have to one of the best and very lucky. Don't quit your day job. Play for the love of the game. If you turn it into your job you'll start to regret your decision.
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