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Old 09-23-2007, 10:41 AM
RydenStoompala RydenStoompala is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
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Default Re: Quitting my crap job to grind 2/5+ live??

I'd do it for a while, planning to hit grad school or moving into something better when the time is right. No harm done wasting a year or two at your age and you may even meet some characters who come in handy in your future career. I'd pick Vegas over elsewhere because the cost of living is not too high, the tourist traffic is very high and the community is more desirable than the ones surrounding other gambling centers. You'll also want good tournament choices, which Vegas has to an infinite degree, and a huge variety of games, again a Vegas given. Plus, there's the outrageous quantity of amazing women.

When you get there, make a serious attempt to stay as healthy as possible. It's pretty easy to start skipping sleep, exercise and a good diet and you will start looking like you're 50 before you are 30. Just pretend your mother is making your lifestyle decisions (other than the poker-for-a-living decision) and you'll do fine. Just like with your bankroll, there will be some variance in the lifestyle area, but don't pull a Stu Unger.

There is some very good advice in the previous posts. This is one of the better threads I have seen on the topic.
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