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Old 09-23-2007, 02:38 AM
qwnu qwnu is offline
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Default Re: Religion vs Atheism vs Everything Else

Saying one doesn't believe in God doesn't mean one doesn't believe in the possibility of the existence of some other-being that is all-powerful. It simply means one doesn't subscribe to the present options available in organized religion. It is very different to those who are against God.

And interesting that, PREDICTABLY, the religous are focusing on labelling here instead of looking at the issue being raised, which is that religion simply is not the No.1 overriding dominant social issue that the fanatics on both sides would want to shove down our throats and have us believe.

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What I'm focusing on is definitions. If you define an atheist as a militant, God-hating fanatic, as you apparently do, it's important to understand that. That's just not the standard (or correct) definition.

So your point is what? That other people put too much emphasis on religion (or the lack thereof) in their lives? Because you don't think it's a big deal, nobody else should either? That doesn't seem like a very insightful or interesting point to me.

Using words like "fanatic" to describe every position but your own also seems unnecessarily antagonistic.

Finally, your failed to meet your own standard of "correct spelling". Anyway, perfect spelling can't cover up an incoherent argument.
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