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Old 09-22-2007, 02:02 PM
n0ctu2ne n0ctu2ne is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 72
Default Re: Standard? Small doney str8

Agree with popeye, the flop is where you should have stopped.

Now granted, you have position, but you're against two opponents and SO many things could fall on 4th street to beat you. In fact, one of them did.

Not only is there a spade draw and multiple straight draws, you've got overcards to worry about too. So basically if your opponents have absolutely nothing, maybe some runner-runner low cards could help you.

But the substantial action on the flop tells shows that you must fold.

Your move on 4th street is respectable, but I don't think this was the time to do it, for the same reasons that you should not have called on the flop. Your hand is simply too vulnerable and your opponents are displaying too much strength to fold anything substantial. It's a good thing the bettor was small.
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