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Old 09-22-2007, 01:35 PM
tame_deuces tame_deuces is offline
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Default Re: What an atheist is, for Splendour

Well, I can throw in my two cents also. I think the idea of god was a simplified view of the universe that was actually a good idea once. Common knowledge can unite societies just like common ethics, common culture, common trade etc. can. I also happen to like many of the ethical and normative ideas that follow from christianity and other of the major religions.

Now my opinion is that the belief in god has run it's course. We need to leave that idea behind, as it is like an anchor around or foot in the development of mankind. We have advancements we need to make in philosophy, technology, biology for us to make it on this piece of rock, and I think most major religious beliefs hamper those developments and cause alot of unnecessary grief and harm.

As you might have guessed I don't buy into absolute truths, since I logically think our knowledge is lightyears away from the level it needs to be on to figure out any absolutes. Structured religion therefore seems like a completely illogical notion to me. If we haven't figured out yet what runs the universe, they didn't figure it out some millenias ago either.

I guess some would call me an agnostic since I don't believe in absolutes yet, and others a strong atheist since I deny the existence of the gods of the major religions. A paradox maybe? I don't really know nor care.
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