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Old 09-22-2007, 10:46 AM
choccypie choccypie is offline
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Default Re: TPTK against bluffer...but is he bluffing this time?

I'd give him a nice 3bet pf with position. If he 4bets or flat calls proceed with caution, either way it helps you define his hand range a bit better. I almost never flat call pf if I have position with a good hand. Flop is fine imo, but I'd probably check turn as there are 3 diamonds and he could well have had a FD on the flop.

Minraises usually mean they have a hand, but want you to call to get more money in the pot. Quite a lot of players think along the lines of "Hmm it's only a bit more to call to see the river..I'll do it" It's a dangerous board with the 3 diamonds so I'd fold.
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