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Old 09-22-2007, 09:14 AM
Toro Toro is offline
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Default Re: Odd / weird foods you eat, most people haven\'t heard of

This one isn't going to deliver either, but 30 years ago probably would have.

Calamari. Now practically every restaurant on the planet has it on the menu but 25-30 years ago it was pretty obscure and if you weren't Italian probably had no idea what it was.

We only had it once a year, Christmas Eve when my mother tried to stay traditional and have an all fish/no meat meal and the hi-light would be stuffed calamari in tomato sauce with pasta, yum.

So now my two sisters are the first to get married and neither one marries an italian and now we're at our first xmas eve with these guys. So she serves it up and it looks like everyone is enjoying the calamari when I say "Reg, I'm surprised you like squid". He spits it out and pushes his plate away and everyone has a good laugh.

Next xmas eve my mother breaks tradition for the first time ever we have meat as she makes a standing rib roast.
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