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Old 09-22-2007, 02:30 AM
JLimbs JLimbs is offline
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Default Re: Robotic playing style VS Technical knowledge

I think other then some of your continuation bets being a little to small and you being a little too tight with your standards to move/call all ins this is basically a solid strategy. Obviously the numbers could use some tweaking, but most of the concepts you are mentioning are sound.

One of the biggest concepts missing is adjusting your play based on your opponent. Things like widening your range when calling all ins against loose players and shortening it when playing tight players make a huge difference in overall results.

You also didn't mention anything specifically about counting outs or making reads about your opponents.

When you play completely robotic like this its too easy for your play to be exploited. If you don't adjust to table conditions your opponents will begin to take advantage after awhile.

Each of these concepts that has been mentioned is like another building block. The more blocks you are applying effectively the more profit you will make overall. Of course its possible to still win with out using certain concepts, but in doing so you are missing out on potential earnings.

Its hard to put a tangible number on the difference between this basic strategy and one that applies more advanced concepts, but in my opinion its the difference between being a good player and a great player.

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