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Old 09-21-2007, 07:33 PM
veggies veggies is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 47
Default Re: Quitting my crap job to grind 2/5+ live??

I think the OP should do it for sure. Many people his age and older take a year off work to travel and most spend at least 15k doing it. Many people also take a year off before going back to school as well. I don't think you need to worry about a year gap in your resume if you just got out of school after a few years and are looking for a job.

If you have 6 months living expenses saved up aside from your bank roll wtf is the problem? If you lose your roll you can get a crappy job for a few months and then go back to school.

If this is something that you are really wanting to do, then do it. It won't be long before you can't. I'm about to be 28 and I couldn't do it, but wish I could. I'm only 5 years older than you and paying a mortgage.

It happens fast, do it while you can!
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