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Old 09-21-2007, 05:50 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 45
Default Re: OK lets get this ball rolling (AP)

My apologies if I am out of line for posting this here. I think it is a great idea, and may have been missed/overlooked with all the clutter in the BBV thread.

Here is a suggestion.

It has already been suggested to approach Bluff or Cardplayer magazines. While this was a good idea, I highly doubt that they will print anything we submitted to them since it would affect advertising dollars from AP and most likely other online sites as well! There is definitely a conflict of interest for either of these publications to publish such a negative story. I would assume they would get pressure from other online sites not to print it. Since it could also negatively impact their business.

Instead, I suggest that we collectively create a statement that explains the situation clearly to anyone. Basically a cliff notes of the cliff notes. It should contain accurate statistical data, and it would not hurt to mention recognizable long term winners in online poker (assuming that they are willing to have their names mentioned) in order to give credibility to the story. Basically to show that it is not someone whining because they got "unlucky" and lost some money.

While this is being done, someone (maybe more then one person) perhaps apefish, if he were willing could gather names and contact info from people in every state and province in the US and Canada, and anywhere else in the world for that matter. These people would be volunteers who would , on an agreed upon date, simultaneously contact and submit our statement to local newspapers in as many possible cities and towns as we have volunteers for. At the very least we would have the story submitted to one newspaper in every state and province in US and Canada. This would be over 60 newspapers at a minimum. It would reach a HUGE volume of people and if there was interest in the story, local radio and television stations would likely comment on it as well. It would be much a much more effective tactic to get AP to answer for what happened.

Basically getting the word out to avid poker players is not hard. Surely this has been accomplished by the threads already created. More of a threat to AP would be getting this story out to casual players, and people who are thinking about perhaps playing there. And of course if there are any serious players who don't frequent online forums, well they likely read the newspaper.
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