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Old 09-21-2007, 11:38 AM
cmcneilly cmcneilly is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 43
Default Re: JJ in interesting capped pot situation against 2+2er....

its pretty damn bad thinking.

yes there is someone behind you, but the chance that they raise after all the action so far is balanced by the chance they call along and give us better odds....

also any hand they would have raised they are now calling so you achieve nothing by raising.

raising here is complete terrible spew.

thinking its a raise/fold situation on a 18:1 decision represents a huge huge leak.

[/ QUOTE ]


If it doesn't come back to you re-raised, I would be surprised. You only win this hand if you hit on turn or river and if you do, you'll likely beat the other player, so I wouldn't give him much thought unless he does something interesting.
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