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Old 09-21-2007, 10:47 AM
MRBAA MRBAA is offline
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Default Re: Did I angleshoot this guy?

What made this nasty was that you used an offer that fishy players often make sincerely. Alot banter is clearly not meant to be taken seriously, the guy obviously thought you were trying to be nice, when you were actually still gaming him. While this is clearly legal and within the realm of conduct to be expected at the poker table, it's unpleasant in human terms. Other examples of similar situations could include personal insults designed to put someone on tilt or induce a call (I've seen people say stuff like "you better fold you cowardly piece of crap" when they want a call, comment on people's playing ability or personal attributes, including weight and race, to induce tilt). It could include scoping the card's of a neighbor who doesn't protect his/her hand well enough. It's all a matter of degree in many situations, and you'll have to decide how much you want to push them. I personally don't believe they give a significant lasting edge -- in fact I think they may be negative because they get you distracted and feeling negatively -- so I prefer to focus on getting an edge through my strategic knowledge and observation of players, and leave most of the coffeehousing an other antics to others.
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