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Old 09-21-2007, 10:28 AM
I_teach_writing I_teach_writing is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 24
Default Ask me anything about college writing

Hi All,

I am a recent but regular 2p2 poster with about 250+ posts on another account. I am also a PhD student in English specializing in the relatively new discipline of writing studies. 2p2 has helped my poker game a great deal, and I know a number of people helping me are in college. I hope this thread works to give something back. I decided to create this account because if you look at my past posts under my regular SN, it would be easy to find out where I teach, and I would prefer that not be posted at the moment.

I have been teaching a number of different composition courses for the past five years. I have taught students at a community college and students at a top-notch research university. Many of the courses I teach are in the English department. However, I also work at a writing center where I help undergraduate and graduate students with writing from across the disciplines.

So fire away. I’ll respond as best as I can to any question. Some possible questions could be about grading, plagiarism, the role of writing in learning, writing for the SAT/GRE, why teachers have different standards for writing, etc. Keep in mind that compared to many English instructors, I don’t take myself incredibly seriously, so you won’t get much BS from me. Fire away if you please.
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