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Old 09-21-2007, 10:26 AM
gonebroke2 gonebroke2 is offline
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Default Re: I Lost Track of This Post....But Here I Go


You are a fascinating person...

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I'm kinda interested too. Felix, if its not too much trouble, can you give us a little bio? I am guessing you must have some military background?

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I will give you his bio. Felix is a hick from Texas that has been brainwashed by the neocon zionist movement. His primary allegiance is to Israel and not to the United States. He wants the United States to use their military might to destroy the arab nations to provide "security" for a greater Israel. This guy comes from the same line of thinkers as Wolfowitz, Bremer, Perle, Kristal, etc. He is right about the American educational system. I am shocked that they would produce someone who is so easily brainwashed like Felix.
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