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Old 09-21-2007, 10:14 AM
DblBarrelJ DblBarrelJ is offline
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Default Thoughts on Smoking & Illegal Narcotics

Just thinking, what are The Lounge's opinions on smoking? I've been struggling alot with this topic lately, as I consider myself to be libertarian, almost to the point of an ACist.

On the one hand, smoking seems to be a real peeve of alot of people,(myself included) which is understandable. On the other hand, I'm all about personal freedom.

How do you rectify a large portion of the American public's desire to see smoking banned in more and more places, with a desire to have more liberty and freedom of choice? Is denying a smoker the right to smoke denying a smoker personal liberty, or are we defending the freedom of the public in general to not inhale cigarette smoke? Is it possible to make that distinction?

Is it possible to have both, or must we choose one over the other?

Also, along the same line as smoking, I also believe as a libertarian that all illegal narcotics should be legalized, however, I am extremely uncomfortable when I'm approached by a person high on crack when I'm walking down the street.

How can these two worlds, individual comfort, and personal liberty, be brought together? Can they be brought together at all?
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