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Old 09-21-2007, 09:13 AM
ianlippert ianlippert is offline
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Default Re: A question about private roads

Anyway my point is that a genocidal application of military technology in order to to steal oil in selected areas of the Middle East, conducted by a consortium of the most advanced countries, would probably be highly effective and highly profitable. This would probably be an example on a par with the historical of Europeans stealing by force (and murder) the gold of natives in the New World.

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Its hard to forsee the consequences of nuking the middle east would be. An act like that would put you head and shoulders above hitler and you would be demonized by the rest of the world.

All I'm saying is it isn't axiomatic that forcible theft is always unprofitable. I believe you've conceded that point situationally but I don't believe the other poster or Borodog have. I don't think it's a sound principle to base theories or arguments upon as long as it is deemed to apply "always". There is a huge difference in a rule that applies sometimes or even usually, or "always". And it greatly impacts arguments that may follow.

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Having said that, and I'm sure youd agree with the above point, it is not axiomatic that forcible theft is always unprofitable. It is just the current state of warfare (ie Iraq, afghanistan) that makes warfare unprofitable. If the technological levels of the armies are close to being equal then warfare cant be profitable. Your nuking example is only profitable because the middle east doesnt have a full arsenal of ICBM at their disposal. If they were closer technologically a nuclear exchange would be devastating to both parties.

I think what may be universally true is that warfare for profit is always less profitable than simply trading for the goods that you desire. And its almost always true that the ruling classes always make a ton of money from war, since most of the profits accrue to them.
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