Thread: Flop Bet Sizing
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Old 09-21-2007, 07:47 AM
dd323 dd323 is offline
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Default Re: Flop Bet Sizing

I've played a lot with bet sizing playing headsup, because i think a lot of bad tags over value information gleened from betsizing if you vary your bet sizes. In other words one of the biggest thing people look for is "he bets big when he has a big hand" or vice versa. The funny thing is, that if they see something unusual, they usually do the thing that they are most apt to do anyway, using the bet size as justification. So if villain never believes anyone has anything and is over aggro, and you bet size noticeably smaller than usual, that person is likely to bluff raise you.

Obviously school 2 is important, and where I start, but I also tend to randomly vary my bet sizing within ranges prescribed via school 2. But the important part is to pay attention to how individual villains are reacting (if they are at all). Then being able to use this information later to choose appropriate bet sizes for school 3.

I remember reading when I first started playing poker that the goal isn't to simply confuse your opponents, or give them no information, because a confused opponent can accidentally do the right thing. The goal is to be able to manipulate your opponents to doing what you want. Now obviously it is important to realize some people are good enough that you need to confuse them somewhat using game theory, but i think there is a significant edge to be gotten via bet sizing.
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