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Old 09-21-2007, 02:02 AM
Soncy Soncy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 30
Default Re: any Big Brother fans out there?

Why was Zach such an idiot? He was so proud of himself for putting dick and Danielle on the block, which accomplished exactly nothing. Acted like he was so powerful and gonna do what no one else did. Ha. He had the chance to do that when he won the veto on Dick's HOH. Veto Eric, Dick has to put his own daughter on the block and out she goes...done deal, America already voted for her. That would have been so funny. And if Zach was too dumb to go into the final four every man for himself instead of having two playing as one, why didn't Eric at least lobby for Zach to veto him and get rid of Dani? Donkeys.

She's spoiled and whiney and he's a hole, but they played a great game and capatilized on their opponents stupidity.

Anyone else buy Eric saying he really didn't want to evict Dustin and Amber? I think he could have swung saving Nick if he applied himself and he did not. I think he didn't really want to evict Dustin and Amber AFTER the fact.

I think one of the pivotal moves Dick made was when he (looking like Satan himself) whispered into Amber's ear and turned her against Eric. Even tho their group hung together on that eviction, it drove a wedge into them which paid off for him later.

CBS does a terrible job of wrapping things up. So much is left unsaid. Why didn't anyone ever confront Zach with his colossal mistake with the veto?
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