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Old 09-21-2007, 01:46 AM
Clayton Clayton is offline
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Default Beat: this forum in the last month

Is it just me or has this forum become horribly cluttered with stupid blog-like posts about crap nobody cares about?

Can we all just agree as posters of BBV to not make new threads unless people will enjoy it or it will be thought provoking?

It seriously feels like 50% of the threads in BBV are the following:

- someone with less than 100 posts makes a retarded BBV post that's like a blog entry "omg i stacked some fish hitting a runner runner str8 in my 50nl game lolololol"
- 8 people make retarded replies, 6 of which involving checkmark boxes such as [ ] enlightening

Am I the only one who feels this way? Call me old, but I remember when BBV was new and the signal/noise ratio was a lot nicer, and the brags and beats were genuine as opposed to retarded crap like "wow i got AA 3 times in 8 hands oh sick", "[x] stupid"

Agree or flame away, or I guess I'll just stick to the off topic threads in the NL forums, because lately BBV just sucks with random brilliant contributions that arent getting enough love because everyone's too busy thinking of the sickest checkmark to add to some retard's beat post about his dog running into a wall.
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