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Old 09-20-2007, 05:48 PM
QuietEarner QuietEarner is offline
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Default Re: Shawn Sheikhan getting deported... (link)

Yeah you talk about losing freedoms but those freedoms are for Americans. The Sheik is a resident of the United States, not a citizen. He is here with the permission of the United States Government. While he is here with that permission he has to follow a certain set of laws. Those laws state if you violate certain other laws while here as our guest, we will forcibly remove you from our country and send you back to your country of origin. It's pretty simple follow the guidelines of being a guest of our country or leave. The only thing that sucks about this, is that it took so long.

We have millions of illegal aliens, and residents who are able to be deported for violation of various laws. He submits his photo, fingerprints, and biographical information as part of the process of receiving his residency (residency is not citizenship), obviously his records were cross referenced with his Immigration history and found to be deportable. So ICE went get him, end of story. Follow our laws as our guest or leave.

Would you want a house guest walking around your house messing with your kids. Obviously no, you would remove (DEPORT) him from your home.

Go mess with kids in Iran, with your hitler 'esque president shawn. Leave our kids alone.