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Old 09-20-2007, 04:42 PM
Jazzy3113 Jazzy3113 is offline
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Default Re: eagles -7 over lions?

Maybe I am not explaining myself properly. I personally feel that some teams are more competitive than others. When I say competitive, I mean they have veteran leaders, veteran coaching staffs, solid track record of the last few seasons, and most importantly to me is stability. The Eagles, Broncos, Colts and Pats are what I think of. Philly has a solid coach with a proven track record of success. Truth be told, the could have gone to multiple SuperBowls and have been the NFC Easts best team for awhile.

Now, Philly was expected to be a contender and Detroit was not. I feel that this added pressure makes the game a must win type feel in the eyes of the Eagles players. They were embarressed in front of the nation and get to play a weak team at home. I feel that Donovan will never be the player he was pre injury but will still be able to compete, a la McNair.
I also feel that Detroit blows. Two very poor outings were salvaged by playing equally poor opponents. If you saw the Minnesota game you would have no confidence on Detroit either. Their coaching staff does not inspire confidence.
As far as match ups go, I feel the eagles lose only in one main category; their DBs vs Detroit's WRs. Also, Kitna can say what he wants but he was concussed last weekend and I feel that he will be impaired or more vulnerable to a hit.
I like the fact they play at home, they have no wins, and lost at home on MNF.

As to the point of talking about "must wins". I feel emotion is a big part in the nfl. Because there is so much parity emotion can really be a huge factor. Look at Randy Moss's play last season vs this. He cares. I think the Eagles will care more than the lions.

This is obviously a shaky game so the best play I think would be a small unit bet on Eagles or a tease the other way.
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