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Old 09-20-2007, 06:42 AM
Genz Genz is offline
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Default Re: 25nl slow down with a full house?

Villain will probably bet any pair here if he is somewhat aggressive and he won't let go of a full house. He won't fold 22 here. He limp/called preflop, so I don't think he has KK-TT. I don't assume that an unknown will bet Khi or Qhi in this spot. And of course there is an outside chance that he has the case A. So the hands that you are worried about are the broadways with a T and T9, T8s. KT, QT, JT make for 36 combos. 22-88 make 42 combos. Add some suited As and you are pretty much even in combos. But you are oop so you can't control the action much and every overcard is ugly. You can't flat call and block because he might raise and you will have a hard time folding with given stack sizes. You can't call and check, because you might face a shove getting 2:1 in a big pot with about equal chance that you are ahead or behind (given a blank river).
So while I think that you have a great chance to be best here, that hand is costly to be played oop and has bad reverse implied odds. I think you should fold. If I had any read on this guy that he is pretty aggressive, I'd crai.
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