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Old 09-20-2007, 05:07 AM
snowbank snowbank is offline
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Default Re: What is important in life?

I grew up on the east coast and moved out west not really knowing anyone here last year so I can relate. Now I stay here because I like the weather wayyyyy better, and because I work for myself I can still travel and see friends whenever I want. I wouldn't live your life around others. I don't mean that in a negative way, I mean, I wouldn't stay put in a city you don't necessarily like just because you have friends who will never leave a certain area for the rest of their lives. I'd live whenever you like best, and go visit/travel as much as you can.

As far as the real estate being more expensive there, I would definitely not base living somewhere on that. $350k isn't crazy expensive or anything. Anytime I want something but I don't necessarily know if I'd be better off being cheap about it, I just tell myself to make more money. That's the advice I'd give.
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