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Old 09-20-2007, 02:49 AM
ski ski is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
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Default VPN/VPS/remote IP question...

I am in Thailand and PartyPoker recently got banned here. I am seeing what my cheapest option would be. I tried using a VPN in Canada but the lag was far to great (400ms, and IPs I've pinged in Europe have similar lags). The only countries close to here that PartyPoker can be played in are Japan and Cambodia and I am considering getting a service there (unless there is a way to have less lag from another country).

I wanted to ask you what service I need exactly. I am quite new at this. Do I need to use remote desktop or can I just somehow bounce my connection off a dedicated IP w/ the lag being too great and just play poker using my desktop here? Lag really seems to be an issue for me.

Please help if you have a few minutes.

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