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Old 09-19-2007, 09:42 PM
I rebluff you I rebluff you is offline
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Default Re: 99 setting up a big bluff push how does it look?

I know, that villains know that I know they both have a range of (AKo AKs AQs AQo AJs KQs QJs JTs T9s 88 99 TT JJ). One is in CO the other BB so the range varies a little. But they also know that I know had they had QQ KK AA they would've probably preferred to rr my rr PF and tried to resolve the hand right there and then. Therefore given what they know of what I know of their range, my turn shove here is really telling them that I know what they know of what I think of what they hold, AND that I know what they know of what I think of what they think of my hand, but I don't care, and I'm putting it all in right here on the turn.

I believe this folds out all hands except AK; even lower sets would have trouble continuing here and if they thought this deeply(and I was betting that CO would've thought this deeply) they'd even have trouble calling with a Q-set with 1 card to come know that I'm repping the absolute nuts right here and now.

The result is that after a long wait they both folded, and CO did in fact show his JJ as he folded.
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